John 8:31-47
When you think about the history of the United States and the identification of America as a ‘Christian nation’ you have to wonder what does that mean?
Historically it’s a term that means this nation was founded on biblical principles despite the fact that the U.S. Constitution is a wholly secular document…there is no mention of Christianity or Jesus in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
But…there is evidence that the Founders of the American republic were for the most part professing Christians…fact is that at least 51 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention were members of a Christian church. [Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Baker Book House, 1987, 2008]
Being influenced by Christian ideas they brought biblical principles to this nation and implemented those principles in our system of government including the freedom of personal liberties.
So, the idea that the U.S. is a Christian nation does not come from the idea that the Founders were religious…or from the constitution…or from the assumption that a majority of U. S. citizens are members of what can be identified as attending a ‘Christian’ church…but rather from the possibility that the Founders identified themselves as having Christian values.
And although some of the country’s founders believed that the government should support Christianity that viewpoint has not been shared by all throughout the years …more recently the idea is that God’s gratitude in America has been declared unconstitutional.
That certainly seems to be the trend in this country today by some who have become increasingly detached and distant from the values implemented by our Founding Fathers…they have:
–Taken Bible reading out of school to keep from offending those who don’t believe in the Bible.
–Disallowed state-sponsored prayers in schools to keep from offending those who don’t like prayer.
–Legalized abortion so as not to offend someone wanting to have one.
–Kicked God out of schools and public buildings to make heathens feel more comfortable.
–legalized gay marriage so as not to offend those who don’t believe in God’s covenant between a man and a woman.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRRF) —A group that focuses on preserving the separation of church and state in the military—during the global prayer for health care workers fighting against the coronavirus there were videos of military chaplains praying…the MRRF demanded it be removed from Facebook because they complained it amounted to “illicit proselytizing” of Christianity.
In addition, how many university professors who are teaching your children and grand-children are not Christians and influence their lives with their teaching… …those who produce our newspapers and magazines…television shows and movies that are not Christian.
Even the number of people who profess to be Christians in our culture do not seriously claim the Christian faith with any great seriousness…people living their lives with nary a serious thought about Jesus…heaven…or hell.
What we have in John’s 8th chapter is a similar occurrence…despite the religious leaders’ claims to seek truth and to follow God’s law…they are mostly concerned with their own power and reputation.
In three successive chapters Jesus uses imagery of the Feast of Tabernacles…a feast that commemorated the Jews’ 40-year journey in the wilderness…to point to Himself as someone who is more than just a man…He was God in human form representing everything that celebration was symbolizing.
Jesus is the bread that came down out of heaven
Jesus is the source of spiritual eternal life-giving water
Jesus is the Light of the World.
In essence Jesus is asking…who is a true believer? …there are instances that some gave the indication that they were believers:
As He spoke these things, many came to believe in Him [30]
So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him [31]
John acknowledges them to be believers [31] but in [44] Jesus turns around and calls their father the devil… goes back again to the statement in [John 2:24]
‘Jesus…did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people.’
There’s a kind of faith in Jesus that He does not approve of…not all that looks like faith is really faith.
He did not commit himself – The word translated “commit” means to put “trust” or “confidence in.” Jesus did not put “trust” or “reliance” in them…He acted cautiously and prudently…the reason He didn’t commit himself to them is “that he knew all men.”
He knew their inconsistencies…that their faith was superficial…people doing then what people are doing today…desiring the relief of their problems…they like the idea that Jesus is the problem solver…but without desiring a true relationship with Him.
So how can we tell who is genuine and who’s not… [31] says many who believe… but [44] gives an indication that their belief may not be real.
What we have is some who believed in the fascination of the supernatural…but their faith was a faith that was a half-faith…these are the ones Scripture identifies as those who hadn’t committed to Him but rather…
withdrew and were not walking with him anymore. [6:66]
Having a half-faith belief is the most dangerous spiritual position any person can ever be in…you’re halfway to Christ…you’ve been exposed to the truth…but you’re not willing to give in fully to Jesus’ claims and demands…that’s who these people are.
Initially it was easy to believe…they ate the free lunches…they were healed…they came after Jesus because of what He could do for them…again…they liked the idea that Jesus is the problem solver…starting to believe in Jesus was easy.
You can’t take it for granted that they were real believers…they believed because it was convenient to believe.
There are many today who believe but their belief is not real…people who are half-way to Christ but not willing to give in to the full demands that Jesus requires of turning from sin to righteous…so they fall back…hanging on to carnal pleasure… therefore…Jesus refers to them as the children of the devil.
you do not understand what I am saying’ [43]
because ‘you are of your father the devil’ [44].
That sounds pretty blunt…telling someone that their father is the devil is a little harsh…why would Jesus talk to them in that way?
Jesus has been preaching for over 2 ½ years…in six months He’ll be hanging on a Cross in Jerusalem… He has seen the hardness of the Pharisee…they are relentless …they want to kill him…Jesus has been in a confrontational discussion with the leaders of the Jews since Chapter 7…His patience is running out.
Within six months He’ll be dead…because their eternal souls are at stake Jesus is actually showing mercy…I’m going to heaven and you’re not…He is showing them the dire circumstance of their situation…He’s not smoothing things over…He is speaking boldly about their future.
It’s the same today…people feeling good about themselves because they attend Church…problem is there’s no security in going to church…no security in religion.
These religious leaders have three claims they believe validate their position in God…first claim is they are the physical descendants of Abraham [33] …the second claim is they are of the spiritual seed of Abraham [51] …and the third claim is they are the Children of God [56].
In [37] Jesus agrees with their first claim…twice Jesus agrees in the physical sense they are from the seed of Abraham…BUT something is wrong…they really have another father…He states it plainly: “You are of your father the devil.” [44]
Abraham was my friend [Isa. 41:8] but you are seeking to kill Me…Jesus is shifting their thinking from Abraham is our father to the Devil is your father [44].
You might be the physical descendants of Abraham…but you are not the spiritual descendants of Abraham and so your second claim is bogus because you reject Me.
Jesus is pointing out that you are sons of Abraham through genealogy but the ‘true sons of God who those who are of faith (they) are sons of Abraham [Gal. 3:7].
Whatever blessings they counted on as the physical ‘sons of Abraham’ were negated by their condition as the spiritual ‘sons of the devil.’
Jesus used Abraham as the example…you don’t believe my words nor do you treat me the way Abraham treated Me when I went to his house…He received Me.
Now the Lord appeared to him (Abraham) [Gen 18:1] and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth [18:2]
Three men visit Abraham in [Gen 18] … [v.22] makes it clear that one of the three men is the pre-incarnate Jesus:
Abraham was still standing before the Lord [18:22]
Jesus took on the appearance of a man…there are eight recorded appearances in the Old Testament where Jesus/God took upon Himself a physical form.
There are a couple of things we can draw from the story of Jesus’s visit with Abraham and Sarah:
FIRST…This story teaches us that God is aware of what is happening on earth… and He is involved…God can visit or send His heavenly messengers to help fulfill His plans.
SECONDLY…He has always been…the appearances of Christ in the Old Testament confirm the fact that Jesus existed prior to the Incarnation:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” [58]
Jesus gives a narrative of what Abraham did when he met Jesus…Abraham took Me in… he gave Me water…he washed My feet…he brought Me bread to eat…I ate and refreshed Myself at Abraham’s table…all you’ve done is reject Me…you’re not spiritual children of God.
Abraham rejoiced to see My day, he saw it and was glad [56]
Couple things…the word ‘rejoiced’ in Greek is difficult to translate into English in just one word… a more accurate translation is: being ‘so glad one jumps in celebration’ Abraham was jumping with excitement to see My day.
Already stated that Abraham saw Jesus in the form of a human body BUT how did Abraham see ‘My day.’ What does that mean? …Abraham lived thousands of years before Jesus was born.
A very interesting statement…when did this occur? It didn’t happen in Abraham’s lifetime…this verse goes beyond what happened in Abraham’s life span.
The word day does not, in this passage, denote eternity…but the time when Jesus appeared in the world as a human to fulfill the office of Redeemer…see Abraham was a part of all those people listed in [Heb 11] people of the faith chapter who:
“all died in faith, not having received the promise, but having seen them (from) afar off, and were persuaded of them”
(Hebrews 11:13).
Jesus adds the testimony of Abraham…although Abraham did not see the times of the Messiah, yet he was permitted to have a prophetic view of Him…how was that possible? Answer: [Heb. 12:1]
we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses
So who are the ‘cloud of witnesses’ …to understand this, need to look at the previous chapter, as evidenced by the word therefore beginning chapter 12.
Chapter 11 ends by telling us that the forefathers had faith to guide and direct them…Chapter 12 begins with a reference to these faithful men and women believers who looked forward in faith—to the coming Messiah.
Abraham saw it when he was promised that he should have a son who was the beginning of that fulfilment…in the promise that in his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed.
BUT Jesus tells the Pharisees…you guys aren’t like Abraham…you’re acting like your true spiritual father the devil who is a murderer and a liar [44] …as a result …you’re not from God… you don’t know God…nor do you hear from Him [47]
Therefore, your father is not Abraham…your father is the devil [44]
How do you know when God is someone’s father…you have an eagerness to hear the Word and embrace His Son…if God was your father you would embrace Me because I came from the Father [42].
Isn’t that why you’re here this morning…because you want to hear God’s Word… that’s how you can tell how someone is a child of God…they love the truth, they love the Savior…they enjoy being in the presence of other believers.
You can stop cars on Blackbob and ask them if they are a child of God they tell ‘oh yea of course I am’ …but ask them what are the characteristics of someone who is a child of God and their response may be more in the form of an argument.
‘So, by not being in Church you’re equating me with the idea that I’m not a child of God?’ …you can’t make that judgement that I’m not a child of God…you can’t make that assessment.’
My response to that is: being in Church has nothing to do with you being a child of God.
First of all, church is not something you go to. It’s something you are.
You don’t go to church. You are the church.
So…does that mean I don’t need to go to church? …that my relationship with God is really between me and Him and since it’s personal…something I do on my own …going to Church is not a priority?
I like how John Wesley…one of the founders of Methodism…put it this way. “There is no religion but social religion.” …in other words, without being vitally connected to other people in the church, we cannot reasonably claim to be practicing the Christian faith at all.
The Bible describes the children of God as having certain characteristics…and it has nothing to do with you going to church…so…what are the characteristics of someone who is a child of God?
The sheep hear His voice [John 10:3]
He who is of God hears the words of God [47]
God’s sheep know His voice, they can discern / distinguish it from that of a stranger
if you continue in My words then you are truly disciples of Mine [31].
Practicing Righteousness
By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God [1 John 3:10]
Led by the Spirit
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God [Rom. 8:14]
So, the characteristics of a child of God are; hearing…obedience…practicing righteousness…and being led by the Spirit of God.
BUT…we can’t stay on the path of righteousness with Christ without the help and support of other Christians.
Without hearing the Word read and preached…without gathering with other Christians we become like embers of a fire separated from the community of believers…we grow cold and the fire and flame of love grows cold and we die spiritually.
You may still have some Christian beliefs but you can no longer credibly say I am joined with Christ…the union between Christ and each member of His Church is a spiritual one…we are the Lord’s body… [1 Cor. 6:17]
the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
Believing in Jesus means being in a relationship with His living body, the church.
A Christian is someone who has been baptized into the body of Christ which is the church…who has identified themselves with Christ’s death…and as Christ was raised from the dead you now also have been raised to live a new life… if you believe that…then the answer is yes…you need to be in Church!
What is the benchmark of a Christian? ONE is perseverance
Perseverance is defined as: “A continued forward movement or steadiness along a course despite any obstacles or resistance that comes up against you.”
Perseverance is a key quality that every Christian needs in order to finish their life’s journey…as Christians we face an incredible number of hurdles, road blocks and resistance from Satan himself and those who follow him.
Perseverance…along with determination…persistence…and endurance…describe a person who is full of the Spirit of God…who are immovable in the course of their Christian walk and the plans God has for them.
Scripture declares we are to be persistent…we are to persevere and we are to have a steadfastness about us in order to keep the faith and receive our reward at the end of our time here on earth.
SECOND benchmark of a Christian is understanding…you cannot grow as a Christian without a continually increasing understanding of the Word.
Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My words. [8:43]
In essence Jesus is saying; If God were your Father…if you had anything of His moral image, as children have of their earthly father’s likeness…you would understand what I’m saying…but as it is…you hate it…you pervert the meaning… you choose error rather than truth:
For this reason, you do not hear…because you are not of God [47]
Therefore, what I am saying to you is unintelligible because you cannot take in the truth which it conveys.
In this portion of Scripture, we have two types of people…the ‘they’ in [33], and those ‘who had believed’ in Jesus [31] both of whom we’re told eventually were not really ‘from God’ [47]
This underscores Jesus’ insistence that knowing what ‘Truth’ is and what it means to be ‘free.’
You will know the truth, and the truth will make your free [31]
The Truth Jesus is referring to here ‘the truth will make you free’ [32] is not a philosophical idea of knowing right from wrong…it has nothing to do with knowing truth from falsehood.
Knowing this ‘Truth’ is knowing God and His Son Jesus who is the very revelation of God [1:18; 5:19-27; 14:8-10]…who is ‘the way, and the truth, and the life’ [14:6]…Jesus makes this clear in [8:36], when he substitutes ‘the Son’ for ‘the truth,’ saying knowing this “truth” is knowing God.
And as a result of knowing that Truth…then comes the freedom part that ‘will make you free.’ …not referring to the Constitutional principles of freedom of personal liberties I mentioned earlier… BUT freedom from slavery of sin.
Until we come to the truth about who Jesus is…until people stop being half-way committed to Jesus and come to know Him as ‘The Truth’ and live and remain in Him they will never experience the freedom associated with that Truth.